Life in IIUM?

Salam. Jeez, life in IIUM is not like what has been portrayed in Nur Kasih. I often told my mom, "Mak, Fiksyen jer tu......". Its like "jauh panggang dari api berbatu....." Ha3!! But, one thing that they has emulated pretty much the same - continuous and incessant problems... Once, I even have been stuck here like what, a month? Yes, it's an accomplishment that I'm not so proud of... But, friends here are great! Somelah... Some of them are good listeners, some are good advisers, and some are just pain in the "you-know-where".... XD One thing for sure that I've learnt is moderation. Too much or to little will affect you no matter what. Have heard about karma? Yeah, that's the thing. Everyone here has their own problems its just the degree of hardship. Some of us whine over little stuffs, that are trivial compared to the rest. So, next time - whine wisely!

p/s: Thanks to Amira Syakira Abdul Razak, Nadhilah Farhana Awang, Afiqah Mohammad Shaari, Rasheeqa, Naqib, & Ahmad Ikram Mat Ghani for the great trip. Len kali buatlah lagi.... Hu3!!!


mizah-k said...

when life in iium sucks, i do whatever i can to spice it up a little ya adventurous..try something new.. it always helps!

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