Voice Of Asia & Truly Asia's Songbird (Siti Nurhaliza) - Kurniaan Dalam ...
Siti Nurhaliza. One of the most influential names in Malaysian entertainment industry. Yet her English skills often being the center of attention for those who hate her. Born and raised in a small town, her English skills admittedly bad. But people often overlook her vocal performances. She has won more awards than all AF students have received combined!!! I'm kinda person who love any artists who can sing live as good or better than their recordings. Kalau dlm recording jer best, bek xyah.... She has been quoted as saying that she would like to produce an English album. My advices - practice and improve her English. I love her, and I don't want to see her being laughed by those who detest her. In retrospective, she has improved - a lot. But not that eloquent. These haters brought up trivial issues - headgear, her marriage, her business, her dress and lots more. Boy, that's the price you have to pay for being famous, aite? By the way, this is one of my favourite performances of her!! Check it out!! Zass~~~~! XD
Wow !! Lagu ni !! I still tak dapat la hadi. So malas nak try lagi dah haha
i pun tak dapat
rasheeqa: ampunkan I!! xperasan u komen dkt sini, dah tiga hari xreply!!!
amira:xdpt nak tampal video ke?
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