Cool Free Softwares
Salam. It's been quite a while I haven't updated my blog. Thanks to akak Rasheeqa. (Akak ke ? heh3!!) I update my blog upon her request and wink2. Ha3!! So, here's the topic, I love my laptop to the max, I bought it somewhere in August 2008. So it all began with one of my closest friends, Jafni kept borrowing my laptop, and install quite a number of software, that slowly but steadily helped me to know better about these stuffs. Many of the programs listed here are free and it has been quite useful to my XP Windows. So here hoes.
1. iTunes
- My favourite Music Player, the sliding album gallery is simply awesome. Now, with iTunes 10, many of the albums from iTunes store which have a new feature, where users can listen to songs in that particular album which sometimes also come with videos and pictures.
2. Media Player Classic
- Simple. It can play almost any files, but for videos with extensions of .flv, .rv, or .rmvb better play it with Real Player. So far. it can play almost any video files I've encountered, .avi, .wmv, .mp4, .mkv, .mov, and many others.
3. Avast Free Antivirus
- One of the many dozens of antivirus I have used, this one probably one of the best. Word of caution: if you are used to your antivirus, don't change it. Because it will bite you back you-know-where.
4. Mozilla Firefox
- Need I to say more? ^_^ Fast and reliable. With proper updates and add-ons, it works like a charm. : )
5.Picasa- I used this photo viewer instead of the Windows version, it has a very cool effect when showing a picture, it has this slides underneath that you can scroll across to view different pictures.
6. Photoscape
- I'm active in this forum, where I often changed my avatar (profile picture) when I feel it, most of the time, I used animated pictures (.gif) for it, and I created it with this program. Download a video from youtube, cut it with RealPlayer trimmer and convert it Movie To Animated Gif program. You can later resize it with photoscape. Not only that, it has features where you can create collage of pictures, merge, edit, add effects and many more.
7. Unlocker
- Have you ever encountered files or folders you can't delete, move or rename? Used this free software to do these tasks. Upon installation, untick some of the options where it will installed together Bing! and Ebay toolbar/taskbar to your browser. I had to use this one where I can't delete a new folder created in my external hard drives. I suspect my friend's computer has override the authority of my external hard drives. Later, I reformatted the whole thing when I can't use the folder even after renaming it.
Any enquiries, feel free to ask, though I'm not that good, I'll try to help as much as I can. ^_^v
mana Jaf suruh dia install kat i jugak
Ha3!! Tanya dia kat fblah.... Heh3..
aku ada jek dkat sini..;P
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