One Sem Ends, Another One Starts...

I've been waiting for quite awhile before posting any new post. One of the main reasons is because due to Internet connection. Sometimes it is too slow for me to upload picture to accompany my post. For the moment, I'm not so sure about my status here. I still have not submit the forms.

Sem 2, 2009/2010. What a h*ll. So many things, so little time. Total assignments excluding presentations: 7 written assignments (3 came from my least favourite subject, writing, "thanks" Shams!!).

To be frank, I've only absent from his class once. Late, numerously impossible to calculate. Ha3!! I have no idea, in which category to place him, sometimes I do feel kinda sorry for him. But, the empathy proven to be the easiest to ebb away once you are in his class. Initially, he gave us one written assignment, roughly 15-20++ pages. A week or several weeks later, he told us, we have to do 4 instead of 3. We were like WHAT?!!!!! It takes forever to finish even one bloody paper. Especially when the draft that I gave him consists of one SINGLE paper, took him one MONTH to go through it. The picture is my introduction for my third assignment. Oh, I did the assignments with Aisyah. We did the 1st one together, she did the 2nd one, I did the last one. If you look closely, 1/5 of the paper consist of footnotes. Yup, I intentionally used lots of references to fill the blank. Ha3!! Hey, if he wasn't committed with his work, means the same rule apply to me!! XD Just to let you know, we got 39 marks for our carrier marks. Which frankly, is unfair. The 1st one is the best of all the papers, but we got 13 marks for each paper - he did not really go through it, I think. I got a B for his paper. Almost all the guys and girls who took his paper got roughly the same thing - with addition + or - . Pfft....

BM & Sciences Of Hadith
These two subjects are the ones that I'll be taking for this short semester. I'm applying BM by Mdm. Roslimna and Sciences Of Hadith by Dr. Osmani. I just downloaded the application for Sciences Of Hadith, but not BM cause the wi-fi provided by IIUM somehow restricted my connection to enter IIUM's official website. Irony isn't it? I thought it would be easier... Rest of my friends are taking SOCA (The Study of Sociology & Anthropology), good luck!! If things are not on my side, maybe I'll try to apply other subjects, if not, all of the subjects will have to be crammed inside my 2nd long semester. No!!!!!


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